Monday, 1 February 2010

WI-FI part III

Ok enough, I get it, but just one more thing I love, is that I can watch some TV shows on the internet, sitting comfortably on the sofa with a blanket and a hot drink.

So I just watched a swedish/norwegian TV show Skavlan which is a talk show, and last week Rhianna was a guest, and she spoke about when she got abused by Chris Brown, and looked absolutely AMAZING! I then realised that there had been another show after that, and one of my favourite authors - Liza Marklund and one of my favourite swedish actresses - Pernilla August were both guests, so I decided to watch that episode as well.
The last guest on the show was the author to the book Push, which is now a major film called Precious.

So I have now decided that I am going to try to convince the Italian to go to the cinema tomorrow night to watch it. And the good news is that our local cinema has a cheap Tuesday with only £4 per ticket. Yay, good life:)

1 comment:

  1. Hur gick det att övertala italienaren, blev det bio?
    annar kan ni ju sitta hemma och äta praliner och surfa i soffan
