Friday, 24 September 2010

Good Morning

I finally went to bed just after 1am and then my neighbours decided to have a massive fight and slam their front door about a million times and then they made up and thought they should celebrate this by inviting some friends over. So they were on the phone to their friends trying to explain where our house is, and they thought a great place to have this conversation was right outside my front door...
I have never really heard my neighbours before so I was surprised how well I could hear them last night.
Anyway I finally went to sleep about 2-2.30 and then I woke up at 9am this morning when the Italian called me to say good morning. Just hearing his voice made me miss him so much so I couldn't go back to sleep again.
I stayed in bed for a bit and read some blogs on my mobile, but now I've decided to go for a run and then I'm going to look through the photos from Italy and show some of them to you as well.
I was going to give you a video of Monte Di Procida which is a cute little town where his parents live.
The whole town is surrounded by water and it is gorgeous, but it took forever to upload the video so I give up.
I'll try again later, now I really need to go for a run.

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