Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Two Years!

Well it's not officially our anniversary. We don;t really have one. We (read me...) denied our feelings for so long.
If somebody asked me two years ago I wouldn't have said that we were a couple, but looking at it now when I know that we became we I'd say that the 9th November was a big turning point in our relationship.
After this date we never really spent a night apart from each other, so when we were going to pick a date for our anniversary last year I decided that this was a good date.
And I am so glad that I got over my feelings of "It's too soon" and "I wanted to be by myself for a bit longer" because the Italian makes me really happy - every day.
I am going to quote Charlotte in Sex And The City - "Maybe not ALL day every day", but every day I feel lucky to be with him and I feel a happiness when I think about us.
So Happy Anniversary to us and I am going to fight this cold again today so we can have a nice evening tonight with some lovely food.