Friday, 29 April 2011

29th April 2011

I never watch TV at home, I watch all my TV series that I follow on the computer or on DVD. The one day I want to watch TV and all the highlights from the wedding and the sky box has given up on me.
I've taken all the cables out and blown on them and put them back in again, I have switched everything off and on - several times. Unfortunately that's about as far as my technical knowledge goes...
So now I'll have to watch in online instead, was looking forward to watching something on a big screen for once rather than just the small computer screen. Ah well, it's better than nothing.
I followed it a bit at work, couldn't watch any videos though but read about it, and just reading about it made me tear up a few times so we'll see how long I last before I start crying. Silly really, I didn't even know I cared.

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