Sunday, 25 July 2010

A challenge

What's going on?

A heat wave has been going through Sweden the last few months.

I have been all geared up for this, picturing myself on the beach surrounded by gorgeous sunshine as the sound of the sea and laughter fills my ears.

Wrong! This morning I get an email saying that it is TWELVE degrees in Sweden at the moment. TWELVE! Nope nope nope, I don't think so. Something has gone very wrong.

What happened to the gorgeous tan I was finally going to get. Yes I got a few more freckles when I was in Sweden last time but not enough for me to be able to call it a tan.

I am now depending on Barcelona and Italy. And don't you dare send me stupid emails about bad weather in Spain before the end of August.

So I am now challenging the weather gods to prove their existence.

I would like gorgeous hot weather during the days, and then in the evening it can cool off a little bit so that you can sit outside and enjoy the evening rather than feel like you want to just melt into a little puddle on the floor.

So the challenge is on.

Let's see what you can do!

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