Monday, 5 July 2010

Sunny Sunday

Yesterday was a glorious day with a clear blue sky and lot's of sunshine. Until I finished at least, the moment I stepped outside work at 4pm the sun disappeared behind some non existing clouds to never be seen again.... Weird. 
The Italian was waiting for me outside and we went to my favourite shop and bought an early birthday present for me:)  
What's in the bag?
Well you'll just have to wait until my birthday to find out:)

After that we went to Hix on Brewer Street for a bite to eat and then I fell asleep on the sofa to Harry Brown. Afterwards when I got some energy back after my power nap, the Italian got tired and we went to bed, he fell asleep before his head hit the pillow:) 
Now it's Monday again, but at least I only have to wait until Sunday afternoon to see him, I get him back from work on Saturday night already for my birthday celebration:)


  1. Wow vilken födelsedagspresent!!! Spännande!

  2. Men hallå! lägg ut bild din retsticka! :)
    jag dör av nyfikenhet :)

  3. Haha det kommer, det kommer.....
