Saturday, 23 October 2010


A lazy morning, followed by a busy night at work.
Just before I rushed off to work today I spoke to my gorgeous friend T on the phone about her new born baby son V.
We were making plans about when I come over to visit in a week and a half and I can't wait to see the little one.
One thing that is occupying my mind every second of the day first of all however is the fact that my sister is coming on Thursday. I know I go on about it a lot, but I really, really can't wait.
I can't wait to show her around where I live and just hang out with her, go to cafes, go to restaurants, go to the cinema, just do all those things we used to do when I still lived back home. 
Who knows, maybe one day, The Italian and I will move to Sweden and my sister and I will do all these things on a weekly (or daily) basis again. But until then we have to live for the short, but sweet moments we get together when either of us visits.
And I am well and truly geared up and ready for this visit to begin.
Night, night.
Sweet dreams.


  1. Hoppas du haft tid att ta igen dig lite och njuta med pojkvannen. Kram

  2. Nja det vet jag inte om man kan saga, va har knappt pratat me varandra pa en vecka... Fast ibland vaknar jag pa natten av att vi haller varandra i handen eller att han ger mig en liten puss nar han kommer o lagger sig/gar upp beroende pa vilka skift vi jobbar o de stunderna far vi leva pa nu, sa far vi ta de andra langre stunderna sen nar var tid kommer for det...
