Sunday, 3 October 2010

The Italian's day - it's all about the cars....

On an early morning train to the Midlands which is where the Italian's big driving experience took place. (A present that I bought him for his birthday in February)
An excited Italian
I wore Lamborghini yellow tights especially for the occasion
A wind swept girlfriend patiently waiting...
Cuddled up under the umbrella to keep warm in the rain
Finally it begins:)
There he goes...
And straight into the next one
The whole outfit, the tights were a nice thought, but oh my god it was a cold choice....
A great fun day, a shame the weather wasn't better, but the weather gods have already been on my side once this year so I can't ask for more now.


  1. Ah, du ser verkligen sa himla sot och frasch ut pa dessa bildrna! Vad har du gjort? E det ny frissa eller ny hudkram/smink? Pls tell me the secret! ;-)

  2. Haha, tack, nej jag vet inte, frissan e ju samma som den varit de senaste tre manaderna. Kanske va det vetskapen om sa mycket tid me C de narmsta dagarna som gjorde mig glad:) na skamt a sido sa kanske jag satte pa lite extra smink eftersom jag inte kom hem fran jobbet forran halv tva o sen upp sex igen. Sminket e samma som jag haft lange: dior underlagskram o dior puder... xx
