Friday, 7 January 2011

New years resolutions

First photo of me with our new camera (big nose in focus and all)
It's got a really cool thing that automatically de-focuses the background when you take a portrait

I wasn't going to bother with that this year, but in the end I decided to tell myself to learn to enjoy and live NOW rather than always waiting for another day, another week, another month.
I like having things to look forward to, it's not that. It's just that sometimes that gets in the way of me enjoying life now.
Great thought in theory, but unfortunately it only lasted me for four days. I said to myself that I would enjoy the ten minutes I get with the Italian in the evenings (when he gets home from work at night and before I pass out of tiredness) rather than being annoyed at all the times we don't have together. He told me the other day that he was off on Saturday night. Great I'm off as well I said. It then turned out that he was off next Saturday night (when I am back to my usual shifts of every Saturday nights at work) and that upset me and I thought, Great - another year with opposite shifts all the time...
And instead of enjoying our precious minutes together once again I ruined them by being grumpy...
Sent from my iPhone


  1. Jag vet precis hur det kanns. Michael jobbar rullande schema och tolvtimmars pass. Vilket gor att han ar ledig nar jag jobbar och jag jobbar nbar han ar ledig. Det har varit sa i fyra ar nu. Jag ser honom mest nar vi aker pa semster.

    Ibland far vi en helg ihop, ungefar en gang i manaden om vi har tur. Jag ar sa less pa det och det.

    Nu skall de gora om det till annu samre pass pa hans jobb, sa jag vet inte fall vi far en chans tillen helg ihop langre ens...


  2. Ja visst ar det skumt egentligen att man kan fa ett forhallande att fungera under sana omstandigheter... Det ar karlek det:) Usch lider med dig med, hoppas att de andrar sig med andringarna sa att ni i alla fall far behalla nan dag i manaden tillsammans...
