Monday, 2 May 2011

Grumpy face

The only photo I appeared on yesterday was this one. Not really the best one to show how much I was enjoying my time and the company.

I did feel a bit sorry for V and B at one point though when my energy level dropped...

I am used to working weekends and bank holidays and I am used to never being off when my friends are, but somtimes on BH weekends it just feels that little bit harder. When everyone has got four days off in a row and I can't even remember the last time I had two days off in a row, I sometimes wonder why I do this... (Even the Italian managed to get four days off in a row somehow. He was off the weekend and he is also off today and tomorrow.)

So last night was Sunday-night-Blues big time for me.

Sometimes I avoid reading other blogs and facebook during these weekends because I don't want to know what everybody else is enjoying while I am at work. Selfish? Yeah maybe, but it helps to make it easier for me to get through the day sometimes.

The Italian has gone off to South Hampton to see his brother today, however if he gets back early enough today, maybe we could go to the cinema... We'll see. We've got the day off together tomorrow so maybe we'll do it then instead,.

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