Monday, 13 June 2011


I've been thinking about donating blood for a while now. Whenever I've brought it up with people I know they've told me that they don't think it's a good idea. They said that since I am so active during my days, and what other people would get done in a week I usually do on a normal morning before coming into work, it would make me too tired. They meant that I need to keep all the energy I can. For a while I listened to them and didn't really think it through myself. But thinking about it now I realise that it doesn't make sense.
So after an email a couple of weeks ago that made me realise how important it is to give blood (if I didn't know it before) I went onto their website and registered. So today it finally arrived and I can start whenever I like. The only thing that would come in the way would be if my iron level is too low. As far as I am aware though it is good so I'll probably go on one of my days off this week.

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