Sunday, 26 June 2011


There's a big concert week going on in Hyde Park this week and a few days ago my favourites Kings of Leon was there. Somehow I had completely missed this and therefor obviously didn't go. The day after I came into work and heard all about how amazing it had been. I put on my grumpy face and told them that I wasn't interested.
Today someone brings me a souvenir... A four day old VIP pass. Thanks but no thanks....


  1. naej... vadda 'rub it in a little bit more'!

    (min sambo var forovrigt skitsur att han missade det... for att inte tala om Glastonbury..)

  2. haha ja eller hur. Inte snallt nanstans.
    ja det hade sa klart varit grymt kul att ga men det ar alltid lite halv jobbigt med konserter i hyde park, med flygande flaskor som man inte vet vad det ar i de.... haha
