I'll tell you why - the moment you start watching what you eat, you end up constantly hungry, even if the portions and the food actually isn't really any different from your ususal meals - another reason I hate this no-cycling agenda I am dealing with at the moment. Normally because I run and exercise and cycle and all sorts I never really care about what I eat. The reason I do all those things is mainly so I can eat what I want, because I LOVE food.
But the day you wake up and think that your stomach is a bit flabby and maybe for today I need to be a bit careful: BAM - the hunger kicks in.
But I am lucky today, because the italian is off so he has promised a nice home cooked meal for me when I get home. Hopefully this will be something healthy but filling. But I am not sure I can wait until then. Maybe I will have to raid the cupboards here and see if somebody has left something that will quiet my screaming stomach for now, and keep my fingers crossed that the street are safe enough to go running tomorrow morning.
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