Monday, 11 January 2010

Guess where I went after work:)

Yes I know what the Italian told me yesterday about not buying anything else for the flat, and I listened, I really did, but... There was this thing on the balcony that broke one windy night so clearly I HAD to go there to replace it... And then maybe... a few other things happened to get in the basket as well, but nothing huge and only things we really needed... And I bought a lot of food for him that he will enjoy.
So now I have spent the last half an hour outside on our balcony freezing my a**e off, getting everything in the place where I want it.
I am pleased but I still think something is missing... hmm I probably need to go to Habitat after all. Hopefully they will still have a sale on when C is here at the weekend and we can go and have a look together..:) And I can't wait to show the Italian what the balcony looks like now, so I wish he would hurry up and get home from work, but until then shhh for now, because my very exciting book is waiting for me with a nice cup of tea and maybe a little something to snack on that I bought today...

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