Sunday, 31 January 2010


Finally, after a year and a half with Sky Broadband, I have sorted out my wireless internet. I asked the italian to come with me to the shop because knowing me the sales people will force me to buy something that's twice as expensive as it needs to be....

Went to PC world (with my current modem) and said to them that i would like a router that works with this modem so I can have wireless internet, he looked at my modem and picked up another modem (exactly the same) for £99.99!! He took my modem with him and said - I am just going to double check with my colleague in tech if this is compatable.

He came back and said, yes this works perfectly. I said ok what about this one? (one for £74.99) he went away again and came back and said that's fine as well. I found another one for £49.99 and asked the same thing and he said yes that one is also ok... I said  -ok so far i have gone from £100 to £50!! He just laughed and said yes it seems like it... O-kay.....

Any other ones that are cheaper that I can use? No this is the cheapest one. Ok I'll have this one then. We walk to the check out and I see the exact same one I've got in my hand on sale for £39.99 so I bring both of them with me and the guy at the counter says that yes you can have that one for £39.99 as well. So that's the one I bought. I came home to plug it all in and when I went to look for my password with all the other Sky things I realise that the modem I've got is already a wireless modem!

So I called Sky and spoke to the sweetest girl, who probably thought I was a bit insane because I got sooooooo excited when it all worked after just two seconds of trying. And now I am all up and running and I am sitting on the sofa while the Italian is making dinner for us - mackrell with mashed potatoes and salad:)

So tomorrow I am going to go back to PC World and get my £39.99 back. I thought I was doing so well, for the first time I managed on my own to get the price down from £100 - £40...( I know I needed the Italian with me for support, but still, I did all the talking on my own), and then it turns out that they tricked me anyway since they looked at my modem and probably realised the whole time that I didn't need to buy one at all...

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