Friday, 3 December 2010

Christmas Cards

Last year I bought my Christmas cards from St James' church, they weren't the most beautiful, but they were for a good cause.
This year I found some gorgeous ones in various shops that are under the tag "charity", but I am chocked as I realise that only 10-20% goes to charity, so I am going to go back to the church again this year, because (as it should be) 100% will go to the charity I choose to support.
I am going to look for ones that are for Leukemia, Cancer research and children in Africa because they are the ones that are closest to my heart.
Last year they didn't have any for Africa, it was more local charities, but if not I have already bought a calender from my friends charity kampi ya motos barn.
There doesn't seem to be an English version of this website. I'll see if I can find one.
If you want to buy a calender as well it's available on their website.
I've just had an email about people not being able to get to work today because of snow so I am going to have a quick shower and get on my way to cover.
Have a great Friday


  1. A easy way of doing a good deed. I love it:-)

  2. Ja julen ar en bra tid nar man anda ska kopa presenter att samtidigt gora nagot for valgorenhet. Jag vet inte, men jag tycker att detta aret har mer val an nansin och att det ar manga affarer som samarbetar med olika valgorenheter vilket ar fantastiskt.

  3. Perfekt, vilket strålande tips! att jag inte tänk på det förut. Tack!

  4. Ja gor det du ocksa, ju fler desto battre. Och manga backar sma som min kompis alltid sager:)
