Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Tuesday 14th December

As you may have noticed the last few days I am still not feeling great, some you tube videos is all I've had to show.
I am feeling a touch better now so I went for a little walk after I'd had my nails done and then I went to Sainsbury's and bought some food.
I also bought some Christmas smelling things so the flat will smell lovely in a minute.
Now I am having some breakfast (!!) since I didn't fancy anything when I woke up earlier, and I am watching a Swedish Christmas film that I forgot to put on my list.  
The last few days at work has been all about runny nose and runny eyes and I've felt like a ghost.
But for some reason I've never had so many comments on how great I look and that I've never looked healthier...?? Pardon?
I've decided to stay at home and rest today and then maybe tomorrow I am all fit for fight for socialising and hopefully even the gym:)
So back to the film and some satsumas and a cup of tea.


  1. Hoppas du kryar pa dig! drick mycket vatten for att spola ut bakerierna ur kroppen. Vatten med farkpressad citron och lite cayenne peppar gor susen nar man vill bli av med mucus och sa.


  2. Tack for tipset, far kora pa det nasta gang, nu mar jag battre. Klarade mig utan tabletter denna gangen o jag gillar inte att ta en massa skit sa gillar tips pa naturliga vagar istallet.
