Thursday, 17 March 2011

I miss you.

After a week and a bit on the barclays bikes I have to say that I am ready to get my own bike back. I think Boris is doing a great thing with the bikes and it is a great way to see London and easily the cheapest, healthiest and best way for the environment. But.... they certainly do have their flaws. You shouldn't go on a Boris bike if you have an appointment that you can't be late for. That will be the day when you arrive at the docking station only to realise that there are no free bikes, or the only bikes that are there are faulty (happens quite a lot). If you do however manage to get a bike when you've walked for a bit and on docking station three or four you finally get lucky, there is also the possibility that when you get to the other side the docking stations are full, and again you have to go further and further away from you destination trying to find a station with one little tiny empty space for you. My bike might have had it's problems and she's been at the doctors a lot lately but at least she always gets me to places on time.
Speaking of which I better get ready if I want to be sure to make spinning at 12.15. Have a great Thursday.

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