Saturday, 12 March 2011


I think it's healthy for a relationship to spend some time apart.
All the excitement that I feel in my body today is also mixed in with the feeling you get in your stomach when you fall in love with someone for the first time.
I know the Italian and I don't see each other very often even when we are both in London, but being in another country and leaving it 48 hours between each kiss, still made me miss him and appreciate what we've got.
Maybe it was also the fact that I spent my time with two couples. Not that it was disturbing in any way but it still made me feel like he was missing.
In two weeks we're doing it again as I am off to Sweden for a week and a bit. He's joining me there for the last weekend and I can't wait. I haven't been able to bring him with me to Sweden for nearly two years.  
This picture is from his birthday that we celebrated in Miami. There's nothing quite like an excuse to have a cocktail or three in the middle of the afternoon.


  1. Så sant, det är nog viktitg i ett förhållande att vara ifrån, att sakna varandra. För det gör man inte riktigt annars. Även om det ibland är jobbigt att vara ifrån varandra länge. Ni måste ha vår i London nu, här finns det mycket snö kvar, lite sol och varmare vindar så det är på G, längtar alltid lite efter London denna tid på året.
    Ha det gott! Kram Kim

  2. Ah ja har ar helt underbart nu. Faglarna kvittrar, traden borjar bli grona, blommor overallt. Kan inte fatta att ni ff har sno!! Ska faktiskt till sverige i slutet pa nasta vecka o da hoppas jag att snon ar borta!! Ni far ta o planera en helg hit snart o njuta av varen. Kram
