Saturday 2 July 2011

The presents

I got so many amazing things.
It feels like they all know me well and realised that I accessorize quite a bit.
I wanted to download Beyonces new album ever since it came out on Monday, but for some reason I stopped myself.
And then ten minutes before we left for the party I downloaded it so we could listen to it while we were getting ready.
So annoying, but I will swap it for something else.
I did however get a sample from her new perfume with the CD as well. Hmm - don't give up your day job just yet Beyonce. It just wasn't very nice at all. It smells like something you want your kids to stay far away from. Some sweets with far too many colourings in it.
And then the cards, I love birthday cards, I love reading what people have been writing inside and I love to see what kind of cards they chose for me.
These are all so different so I don't really know how to interpret it.
Most of them are of the fluffy cute variety though which goes well with my personality, and then Niall off course had to go and buy a vile one. Haha.

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